Today I had this urge to open my personal email account - the one I used to talk back and forth to my mother at nights and for job interviews etc and I got the sad news that my aunt (my mom's sister)has died from her Cancer in Jamaica. I wish I could be home with my mother at the moment but I have to finish this Degree and my exams are coming up.
I know she has been sick for years. And my mom went to Jamaica this past summer for my grandmother's funeral and saw Auntie Neetie Her sister). The thing is, Auntie Neetie has always been a constant name in my house - for prayers or phone calls or well wishes. Whenever we call her or she calls she always say to me, "What are you doing now?" and I would say to her, "I'm in College or University, Antie" and she would say to me, "Good girl. You keep strong and believe in the lord and everything will be fine."
As I sit here I know for a fact that I will miss her encouragements because sometimes when she calls and talks to me, I am in such a bad place with worry and her voice and her encouragements lifts me so high that I go out and do things I was scared to do before. They may seem like simple words to you or anyone else reading this blog but to me they mean the world. Another very smart man (my father) once said to me, "I'm not saying the big things in life doesn't matter. but the small things sometimes matter more." And her encouragments may have been a small thing but they mattered to me more than anything.
I know my mom will miss her terribly because the two of them were close. My mom loves her dearly and even though I can't be there for my mom to give her a hug she knows I love her and I know she will be alright because my father is there and he will do everything in his power to comfort her. But it's not the same. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair--my mom just lost her mother, then her grand uncle-in-law and now her sister. It just seem that when it rains it pours.
R.I.P Auntie Neetie
PS: Antie is how you say Aunty in Patois (Patwah)
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