Thursday, December 3, 2009

Updates, Releases Etc

Hello everyone,

Yes, I know I've been scarce but it's not my fault! Really... Ok, here's an update. So life has been a rather hectic time lately. School has slightly gotten more irritating and out of control, I was doing nano, christmas craziness while trying to have a social life...

Anywho, My first contest for A Lover's Wish has been over a while (I know) and the winner was Tan06 (not sure if I should use her real name. Thank you for everyone who entered. Please look forward to my other contests for A Lover's Wish as the year goes by.

Speaking of segways--lol--I know you were looking for A Lover's Wish to be released on December 1, 2009 and I am sorry it wasn't but you know how it goes, things happen--but I have been given a new date--December 15, 2009. So Look for it to be available from Devine Destinies then. If anything changes I will be sure to let you know.

Also my new website is up and running so please be sure to update your links accordingly. You may have noticed I have merged both my websites into one. I am debating on whether or not to do that to my blog as well but I do not see any pros to that except cutting down on updates. So I don't think that will happen.

I have gotten a couple of emails about my untitled novel--people asking if I have gotten it titled yet. I think the answer to that is a weak yes. Right now it is titled Made to Bend, Not Break. Some of you may get that as well as others may not. But that is the title right now. It may change down the road so it's a working title.

And guys, I have facebook. Just search Kendra Mei Chailyn and add me. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can on there. I will leave another blog before Xmas--probably around the 15th.

So that's where I've been and been doing--I have one more paper, four exams and a road trip in the winter..wee!


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Devine Destinies, LLC - This includes eXtasy - And their Distributors
MuseItHot Publishing - And their Distributors (self published titles) - And their Distributors
Amazon KDP - Self Published titles - And their Distributors
Passion in Print (coming very soon) - And their Distributors
Phaze - And their Distributors
Please do NOT purchase any books that are not from the above publishers. If you do you will be in violation of my copyrights.